IN – What is better than Wiki Leaks?

Investor raw data is better for investors.  Today we have raw data in the media sector! No time to cross my t’s or dot my i’s as this is raw data.


“1 and 0 are core, but what is done with the ones and zeros can be amazing” – JD


Companies such as The New York Times, Walt Disney, Fox, and Comcast/NBCUniversal are looking to startups such as BuzzFeed, Vice, Refinery29, and others for new models of engaging audiences.  Here list of the top 20 investors in space.

If you want to understand the data, let us setup meeting with our Senior Executive Advisors for half day or two day meeting.  Here the top 20 investors and our advisor have done deals with most (even a few board of director song and dance meetings):

  1. The Washington Post
  2. Hearst Corporation/Hearst Ventures
  3. Bertelsmann/Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments
  4. Axel Springer/Axel Springer Digital Ventures
  5. Time Warner Cable/Time Warner Investments
  6. AOL/AOL Ventures
  7. The Walt Disney Company/Disney Accelerator
  8. News Corp
  9. Comcast/Comcast Ventures
  10. Discovery Communications
  11. Sky TV and Sky Broadband
  12. Verizon/Verizon Ventures
  13. The E.W. Scripps Company
  14. The McClatchy Company
  15. Gannett
  16. Tribune Digital Ventures
  17. Viacom
  18. NBC Universal
  19. Fox Broadcasting
  20. A&E Television Networks
  21. The New York Times Company

Again, our SEA Program has past executives and advisors from lot these companies.


The makings of data dump / brain dump!


Happy Investing and Networking,

JD Morris

Just text me +1 858-869-9483 with deal anytime!

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